Hello there! Welcome to PebbleStory’s “Submit Your Story” section. We’re thrilled to have you and intend to fulfil your very reason of being here. At PebbleStory, we want our readers to connect with the experiences we share on our platform and feel the emotional connect, the words carry. But that’s only one part of the story. What we also want, is people from every nook and corner of the world, to share their own stories with us. Our expertise and creativity, could help you in putting your experiences and memories in front of the world for everyone to Read, Share and Appreciate.
We aspire to build a platform where people, with their own unique voices, can talk to the world. Everyone should have the power to share their thoughts, and PebbleStory will help you in facilitating that.
Now, before stepping into the guidelines, the very first thing that we’d like you to know, is the type of stories that appear on PebbleStory. We’re looking for pieces that can,
It’s not an absolute mandate to bring your story to fall in one of the aforementioned categories. We also like stories which are appealing in their own unique way. So, if you can do that with your pieces, we’ll make sure that they’re read by everyone.
But, since we’d largely be looking for pieces that can complement one of discussed four, we’d certainly appreciate, if you can pen them in one of the said ways. Additionally, we’d request you to please go through some of the stories that are already there on the website. This will give you a hold of what type of pieces do we post and the tone they carry.
What we’re looking for:
What we’re not looking for:
What will be there in store for you:
Please not that:
We may add hyperlinks to other related blogs. Also, we may change the images if we find them inappropriate. However, all these will be only done to enhance the quality of your write up.
Every submission should accompany a short bio of yours, 1-2 links to your social media profiles and your photo.
Where to submit:
Due to the growing number of submissions, please allow us upto 7 business days to revert back.
We’ve not been too stringent, right!
If you’ve any questions regarding anything related to submitting your story, shoot us a mail at info@pebblestory.com